
Here's a funny YouTube video on this subject:
"How Many Countries Are There?"

We could argue all day and night about what constitutes a "country". Marathon Globetrotters have determined that we are using the following list of 224 entities and classifying each as a country. This roster has been carefully thought out and much debated. For clarification on the rules, click on the "Marathon Rules" tab or visit: .

Marathon Globetrotters - Country List
Version 16
Updated: 2015/07/22
1. Afghanistan (AFG)
2. Albania (ALB)
3. Algeria (ALG)
4. Andorra (AND)
5. Angola (ANG)
6. Anguilla (AIA)
7. Antarctica (ANA)
8. Antigua & Barbuda (ATG)
9. Argentina (ARG)
10. Armenia (ARM)
11. Aruba (ARU)
12. Australia (AUS)
13. Austria (AUT)
14. Azerbaijan (AZE)
15. Bahamas (BAH)
16. Bahrain (BHR)
17. Bangladesh (BAN)
18. Barbados (BRB)
19. Belarus (BLR)
20. Belgium (BEL)
21. Belize (BLZ)
22. Benin (BEN)
23. Bermuda (BER)
24. Bhutan (BHU)
25. Bolivia (BOL)
26. Bosnia Herzegovina (BIH)
27. Botswana (BOT)
28. Brazil (BRA)
29. British Virgin Islands (VGB)
30. Brunei Darussalam (BRU)
31. Bulgaria (BUL)
32. Burkina Faso (BFA)
33. Burundi (BDI)
34. Cambodia (CAM)
35. Cameroon (CMR)
36. Canada (CAN)
37. Cape Verde Islands (CPV)
38. Cayman Islands (CAY)
39. Central African Republic (CTA)
40. Chad (CHA)
41. Chile (CHI)
42. China PR (CHN)
43. Colombia (COL)
44. Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
45. Comoros Islands (COM)
46. Congo (CGO)
47. Congo DR (Zaire) (COD)
48. Cook Islands (COK)
49. Costa Rica (CRC)
50. Cote d’Ivoire (CIV)
51. Croatia (CRO)
52. Cuba (CUB)
53. Curacao (CUW)
54. Cyprus (CYP)
55. Czech Republic (CZE)
56. Denmark (DEN)
57. Djibouti (DJI)
58. Dominica (DMA)
59. Dominican Republic (DOM)
60. East Timor (TLS)
61. Ecuador (ECU)
62. Egypt (EGY)
63. El Salvador (SLV)
64. England (ENG)
65. Equatorial Guinea (EQG)
66. Eritrea (ERI)
67. Estonia (EST)
68. Ethiopia (ETH)
69. Faeroe Islands (FRO)
70. Fiji (FIJ)
71. Finland (FIN)
72. France (FRA)
73. French Polynesia (incl Tahiti) (TAH)
74. Gabon (GAB)
75. Gambia (GAM)
76. Georgia (GEO)
77. Germany (GER)
78. Ghana (GHA)
79. Greece (GRE)
80. Greenland (GRL)
81. Grenada (GRN)
82. Guam (GUM)
83. Guatemala (GUA)
84. Guernsey (GGY)
85. Guinea (GUI)
86. Guinea – Bissau (GNB)
87. Guyana (GUY)
88. Haiti (HAI)
89. Honduras (HON)
90. Hong Kong (HKG)
91. Hungary (HUN)
92. Iceland (ISL)
93. India (IND)
94. Indonesia (IDN)
95. Iran (IRN)
96. Iraq (IRQ)
97. Ireland, Republic of (IRL)
98. Isle of Man (IMN)
99. Israel (ISR)
100. Italy (ITA)
101. Jamaica (JAM)
102. Japan (JPN)
103. Jersey (JEY)
104. Jordan (JOR)
105. Kazakhstan (KAZ)
106. Kenya (KEN)
107. Kiribati (KIR)
108. Korea DPR North Korea (PRK)
109. Korea Republic South Korea (KOR)
110. Kosovo (KSV)
111. Kuwait (KUW)
112. Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
113. Laos (LAO)
114. Latvia (LVA)
115. Lebanon (LIB)
116. Lesotho (LES)
117. Liberia (LBR)
118. Libya (LBY)
119. Liechtenstein (LIE)
120. Lithuania (LTU)
121. Luxembourg (LUX)
122. Macau (MAC)
123. Macedonia, Republic of (MKD)
124. Madagascar (MAD)
125. Malawi (MWI)
126. Malaysia (MAS)
127. Maldives (MDV)
128. Mali (MLI)
129. Malta (MLT)
130. Marshall Islands (MHL)
131. Mauritania (MTN)
132. Mauritius (MRI)
133. Mexico (MEX)
134. Micronesia (FSM)
135. Moldova (MDA)
136. Monaco (MON)
137. Mongolia (MGL)
138. Montenegro (MNE)
139. Montserrat (MSR)
140. Morocco (MAR)
141. Mozambique (MOZ)
142. Myanmar (MYA)
143. Namibia (NAM)
144. Nauru (NRU)
145. Nepal (NEP)
146. Netherlands (NED)
147. New Caledonia (NCL)
148. New Zealand (NZL)
149. Nicaragua (NCA)
150. Niger (NIG)
151. Nigeria (NGA)
152. Northern Ireland (NIR)
153. Norway (NOR)
154. Oman (OMA)
155. Pakistan (PAK)
156. Palau (PLW)
157. Palestine (PAL)
158. Panama (PAN)
159. Papua New Guinea (PNG)
160. Paraguay (PAR)
161. Peru (PER)
162. Philippines (PHI)
163. Poland (POL)
164. Portugal (POR)
165. Puerto Rico (PUR)
166. Qatar (QAT)
167. Romania (ROU)
168. Russia (RUS)
169. Rwanda (RWA)
170. Samoa (SAM)
171. San Marino (SMR)
172. Sao Tome e Principe (STP)
173. Saudi Arabia (KSA)
174. Scotland (SCO)
175. Senegal (SEN)
176. Serbia (SRB)
177. Seychelles (SEY)
178. Sierra Leone (SLE)
179. Singapore (SIN)
180. Slovakia (SVK)
181. Slovenia (SVN)
182. Solomon Islands (SOL)
183. Somalia (SOM)
184. South Africa (RSA)
185. South Sudan (SSD)
186. Spain (ESP)
187. Sri Lanka (SRI)
188. St Kitts & Nevis (SKN)
189. St Lucia (LCA)
190. St Vincent & The Grenadines (VIN)
191. Sudan (SUD)
192. Suriname (SUR)
193. Swaziland (SWZ)
194. Sweden (SWE)
195. Switzerland (SUI)
196. Syria (SYR)
197. Taiwan (TWN)
198. Tajikistan (TJK)
199. Tanzania (TAN)
200. Thailand (THA)
201. Tibet (TIB)
202. Togo (TOG)
203. Tonga (TGA)
204. Trinidad & Tobago (TRI)
205. Tunisia (TUN)
206. Turkey (TUR)
207. Turkmenistan (TKM)
208. Turks & Caicos Islands (TCA)
209. Tuvalu (TUV)
210. Uganda (UGA)
211. Ukraine (UKR)
212. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
213. United States of America (USA)
214. United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
215. Uruguay (URU)
216. Uzbekistan (UZB)
217. Vanuatu (VAN)
218. Vatican (VAT)
219. Venezuela (VEN)
220. Vietnam (VIE)
221. Wales (WAL)
222. Yemen (YEM)
223. Zambia (ZAM)
224. Zimbabwe (ZIM)