
President: Kevin Brosi, kevin [at] marathonglobetrotters [dot] org
Director of Membership: Richard "Rich" Holmes, rich [at] marathonglobetrotters [dot] org
Director of Publicity: Sandy Hugill, sandy.mglobetrotters [at] gmail[dot] com
Director of Electronic Media: Steven “Thunder” Lee, marathonglobetrotters[at] gmail [dot] com
Director of Merchandise: Robert Bishton, robert [at] marathonglobetrotters [dot] org
Director of Awards: Cheri Pompeo, cheri [at] marathonglobetrotters [dot] org

International Ambassadors
Northern Europe: Anders Forselius (Sweden), anders [at] marathonglobetrotters [dot] org
Northeastern Europe: Zdeněk Chmel (Czech Republic), zchmel [at] post [dot] cz
China: Ferdinando Sorrentino (China), ferdysor [at] gmail [dot] com
Oceania: Jane Sturzaker (Australia), jsturzaker [at] ozemail [dot]
South America: Camila Urdaneta Santa (Colombia), cami_47 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Africa: LizNoel Duncan (Egypt), liznoeld [at] gmail [dot] com
GSA (Germany, Austria, Switzerland): Stefan Hornke (Germany), mglobe [at] hornke [dot] net
Southeast Asia: Eddy Angkawibawa (Indonesia), eangkawibawa [at] yahoo [dot] com

Southeastern Europe: Nominations in the works

Special Ambassador
Social Media: Ingrid Featherstone (England), Ingrid.featherstone [at] gmail [dot] com